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Hey Friends! Welcome to my world.

My name is Naimah. Welcome to my first blog post. YAY!

It has been awhile since I have been contemplating blogging/vlogging. I've gone back and forth but finally feel it is time.

2022 cracked me wide open with a rawness that I did not know was possible. Out of the blue for me but in God's perfect timing I was invited to do a TEDx Talk in Kingston, Ontario at Queens University. It was a divine invitation to confront truths about some hard life experiences that I wrestled with for many years.

I am typically an intensely private person so there was much that I hadn't talked about that I kept incubated in the deep recesses of my heart while in constant processing mode.

In accepting the invitation with TEDx, I had no idea what would unravel for me as I navigated these truths and reality. From the start, I knew it would be more than just a "talk". Over the course of several months while preparing for the big day on the Ted Talk stage, I quickly came to understand that this was an assignment in reclaiming my voice. A voice that seemed to evaporate over time along with many parts of myself.

It was a very deep and overwhelming process of self discovery on my healing journey. Loosening the grip of grief has been a constant trial along with putting down some loads from the residue of trauma. I took on the challenge of inviting others to peer into a few windows of my life to witness my unfolding.

My TEDx Talk was 18 minutes, not nearly enough time to share about the beautiful messy layers that I uncovered about myself. As I excavated and explored the stories I wanted to share with the world, I realized that I had a treasure trove of stories that could be shared.

Today I am choosing to move forward with courage and vulnerability as I share more of me with you as I embark on a quest to live life more aligned. No doubt ascending to new levels of transformation, healing, and wholeness will be scary and sometimes hard but I am open to the possibility of being surprised beyond my wildest imaginations with a joy that cannot be contained and a life full of purpose.

I welcome you to join me as you take a ride on your very on journey. My hope is that in my sharing you will be of benefit in some way.

I continue to learn that healing is a never ending process but so worthwhile to live a life more liberated and free.

Every day I am choosing to welcome this new version of myself. What is emerging is new and unfamiliar. Although I am grateful for every past version of myself that was birthed out of necessity, this version is a bit different. This version deserves the kindness and care that I often give to others. In this season, I am more deliberate in cultivating a healthier version that is more bold, open, unapologetic, honest, fierce, loving, gentle, grounded in faith and aligned and I think I kinda' like her.

Nothing we experience and gain in wisdom is for us alone. We are travelers in this life together trying our best to live the heavenliness out of it with excellence. To be clear, excellence is not perfection. It simply means caring for ourselves honorably while still doing good in the world.

I hope to share more with you as I continue on this wild ride of life.

Let's travel together and kindly greet the versions of ourselves meant to beautifully flourish in full bloom.

Buckle up!



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